
I'm Barbora Byrtusová

A junior Flutter developer
and a UI/UX designer

Contact me

About Me

I design and develop solutions

Hi! I'm Barbora and I'm a Czech developer living in France.

In my free time I do small-scale freelance projects, focusing mainly on frontend development and creating responsive, user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing websites.

I'm currently looking for a new job as a mobile app developer or UI/UX designer.

My resume

Flutter Developer


2022 - 2023, Full-time

Worked as a Flutter developer and UI/UX designer in BioSerenity.

Developed a health management application using Flutter, lead UI development of the app, designed mockups and wireframes in Adobe XD.

Completed the project from scratch to MVP.

Frontend & UI/UX Intern


2022, Internship

Underwent an internship at BioSerenity as a frontend developer and UI/UX designer.

Learned Flutter, Dart and Adobe XD, worked with ReactJS, Linux and Git.

Wrote a Bachelor's thesis on the subject of
"How does website design affect business trustworthiness"

Web Development Bachelor's Degree

Business Academy Aarhus

2021 - 2023

Graduated the programme with the highest grade and acquired my Bachelor's degree.

Learned advanced frontend development (React, Ionic, PWA), UI/UX design, game development (Unity, C#) and backend development (PHP, SQL).

Full-stack Developer

Svatby v Podhůří

2021, Freelance

Worked as a freelance full-stack developer for a small business. Developed an e-commerce website, from design through development to MVP.

Learned PHP, UI/UX design and Bootstrap, and gained experience with full-stack development and working with a client.

Frontend Intern


2021, Internship

Worked as a frontend development intern for NordicScreen. Developed a digital distribution platform prototype for the company, focusing on user-friendly UI/UX and making the app modern and intuitive.

Gained experience with professional web development and learn EmberJS.

IT Technology AP Degree

Business Academy Aarhus

2019 - 2021

Graduated one of the hardest programmes to get admitted to in Denmark. Achieved high grades throughout the entire programme and worked as a student assistant.

Gained skills in programming (C, Python), robotics, electronics, embedded and IoT systems, HTML&CSS and databases.

My certifications

Flutter certificate


Completed a Flutter course on Udemy (Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller). Developed several projects throughout the course - chat app, meal app, expense tracker, and others.

Learned state management with Riverpod, animations,
Firebase & Firestore, using native features, etc.

Vue certificate (WIP)


Currently working on completing the VueJS course on Udemy (Vue - The Complete Guide (incl. Router & Composition API) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller).

Developed a web browser game "Monster Slayer"

My projects

A health management app for patients with sleep disorders. The main focus of the app is a personalised care plan for the patients, working similarly to Doctolib.

I developed this project from scratch to MVP as a junior mobile app developer and lead UI developer. Furthermore, I also designed many of its screens and components, created icons and designed illustrations.

The app was developed in Flutter and designed in Adobe XD.

See Project

A weather app made in Flutter. It allows the user to see the weather data of their current location, see what is the weather like in their chosen cities, and add or remove cities to monitor their weather.

The app's color scheme changes based on the time of the day and is fully functionable offline, as the app is caching data.

The app was developed fully in Flutter and utilizes OpenWeatherMap API and Google Geocoding API.

See Project
Weather App

A simple chat app that allows a user to create their profile on the app and then chat with other users. The app consists of authentication screen (login/signup) and a chat screen.

This project was a part of Udemy Flutter course I underwent. It was developed using Flutter and Firebase.

See Project

Co-developed a web app to be implemented with the company's main product Q-play. The app's purpose was to allow outside developers to upload their products to the app and as such, collaborate with NordicScreen's digital signage solution.

This was my internship project I did as a frontend intern. The app was developed using the Ember framework. The company was happy with the prototype and the work on it continued after my internship was finished.

See Project

A WIP e-commerce website for a small wedding decoration business. This was also my final project for the IT Technology programme, hence why it's focused a lot on the back-end development and working with PHP and MySQL.

This project was my first time working for a real client as a full-stack freelancer, learning PHP and Bootstrap, working with databases and designing an e-shop.

See Project
Svatby v Podhůří

A showcasing website for a woodworking family business located in Silesia. I was asked to develop a website that would attract new potentional customers and provide them with an idea of what the company does. The client wanted a simple, modern and visually pleasing website for showcasing his work.

The website was developed in frontend only, using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. Except for the projects page, it is done as a single-page website to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

See Project
Truhlářství Byrtus

A web browser game developed as part of the Vue course on Udemy.

It is a single-player turn-based game where the player tries to defeat the monster. The player has options to attack, heal, do a special attack or surrender. But beware, because the monster attacks back!

This project was developed using Vue and HTML&CSS.

See Project
Monster Slayer

An online cookbook developed as an Ionic React mobile application. Inspired by the eternal struggle of college students trying to figure out what to cook (other than instant noodles and frozen pizza), this app allows users to share, create and search for recipes.

This Mobile App Development project was developed using React, Ionic, TypeScript and Firebase.

See Project

A solution for my Bachelor's thesis with the topic of "How does website design affect business trustworthiness". The purpose of this project was to redesign an objectively bad, untrustworthy website, and test it in order to see whether its trustworthiness improved with better UI/UX.

This project was designed in Adobe XD by me and developed in JavaScript and HTML&CSS by my thesis colleague as an SPA.

See Project
Royaume de Nefer

A simple Unity Pac-Man game. The game includes two levels with scaling difficulty, enemies to avoid (or hunt down), cookies to collect and cheeky teleports to jump across the map.

This Mobile App Development project was created in Unity and C#.

See Project

A virtual adaptation of the classic Snakes & Ladders boardgame. The game is for two players who take turns in rolling a die and moving along the board. The goal is to reach the finish line before the other player does, preferably while avoiding the snakes in your way.

This boardgame was a final project of the Mobile App Development class. The entire game is coded in Unity and C# and it is fully functionable on both mobile and desktop.

See Project
Snakes & Ladders

Contact me

Do you see potential in me and my projects? Do you have a job opportunity you want to offer me?

Do not hesitate to contact me! I'll be happy to hear from you.





+33 6 18 94 17 48

Barbora Byrtusová